COVID-19 Pandemic - Staying Safe
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So, I have finally found time to write about this. Previously was busy with working from home with very limited rationing of computer and internet usage.
As anyone reading this might well know, this Corona Virus pandemic is hitting us hard. Here are a few tips that I follow on how to prevent the virus at bay. Please note that I am in no way an expert on this, and am just following the usual WHO and CDC recommendations plus extending them with some extras that I deem necessary, and I am in no way responsible for any death, injuries, problems or potential downfalls that may occur as the result of following what I am about to list down:
1. Wear face mask and gloves if you can help it when outside, wash hands for 20 seconds regularly and don't touch your face, nose, mouth and eyes, but hopefully, you already know that.
2. Set up a wash area outside the house, preferable near the front door or gate. Before entering the house, wash hands and feet with soap (20 seconds +). Most houses will have a tap near the front to use, just simply adding a soap or a garden hose will do. Spray the sole of the shoes with diluted antiseptic (such as Dettol or Clorox).
3. Spray the car tires too, if you have just driven out. Inside, wipe down touch points of the car with diluted antiseptic, i.e. door handles, handbrakes, steering, anything you see fit to be wiped. I also make it a point to let the car sit in the sun for a bit before parking it in the shade to UV kill anything on it.
4. Once hands and feet are washed, enter the house, then immediately take a shower before interacting with anyone else in the household. Hair needs to be washed thoroughly. The clothes then be immediately put into laundry and washed, or at the very least, soaked in detergent.
5. Sweep the outside of the house of any dust. Do 1) above after sweeping the floor. If there are any virii particles somehow outside, they won't blow into the house and infect everyone. Usually the sun may(?) kill it on a sunny day, but hey better safe than sorry.
6. Clean, sweep, vacuum and mop the inside of the house with floor wash regularly, especially near the entrance, then do 1) above.
I hope this helps and I would like to hear if someone can add to or make ammendments to the above suggestions.