Luak Esplanade
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The Luak Esplanade is located at Luak, in the outskirt of Miri city, by the coastal highway. It's has a great beach front overseeing the South China Sea and is a great place for family outings and leisure enjoyment. With plenty of car parking space and a great beach front spanning kilometers, people gather here to enjoy the South China Sea scenery, face the sea breeze, have picnics in the afternoons, and in the evenings, people participate in car audio and various lively activities during the weekend.
Best time to visit are during the weekends, Saturday - Sundays, as usually there are food stalls set up along the stretch with a variety of local delights, snacks and drinks to try.
Tip: Locals have a tendency to mis-read / misspell it as "x-planet", or "xplanade". Pronounce it as such if the taxi driver or a local doesn't understand it.
To visit the Luak Esplanade:
Because it is located relatively far from the city, it is recommended that you have your own transport (rented cars) or call a taxi to get there. Be sure to get the taxi drivers' numbers so you can call them when it is time to get back.
In September and October of 2015, a flourish of bio-luminescent phytoplanktons along the beaches has caused the waves along the beach to glow a bright deep blue and caused many people to flock to Luak Esplanade and Tusan Beach to have a look at this amazing phenomenon.