July 2015

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Kingsway Road - Late 50s.


Kingsway Road - Late 50s.

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Shell Houses On the Peninsular - 1975


Shell Houses On the Peninsular - 1975. Contributed by Dougal

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Miri Rivermouth - 1993


Miri Rivermouth in 1993, view taken from Holiday Inn of the time (now ParkCity Everly). Photo courtesy of Dougal

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Site is Live!

The new site is live! And far from done.

Content of the old site will be updated over time to the new site. The old site (from 10 years ago) was a starting point and learning curve, but it hit a roadblock in terms of upgrading the site internals because it was immediately outdated since it started out.. and the new site was meant to replace this years ago but distractions and life kept coming in between.

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Shrimp Harvest (Bubuk)

The catching of bubuk is an annual cycle in Miri. During this phenomenon these shrimps arrive in the millions in the shallow waters of the sea off the beaches of Miri, and the fisherfolks using their fishing tool, known as the 'paka', scoop them up from the waters by wading into the sea.

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High Street Chinese New Year Market (Gong Xi Bazaar)

Highstreet Chinese New Year Market (also known as Gong Xi Bazaar) is an annual event that takes place about a week before the celebration of the Chinese New Year eve. Highstreet Roads are closed off during this week to set up stalls during day, with a section of Kingsway closed at night for the event.

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Sarawak had never been particularly rich in railways but it was little known that there was an actual railway laid down in an area called Ensalai, near inland of the Baram River, in 1960.

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Miri Airport Traffic Statistics 2011 - 2013

The Miri Airport total number of passengers for 2011-2013

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Miri Bankrupts : Second in Sarawak, Fifteenth in Country 2007-2014

Up till January this year, Malaysian Department of Insolvency (MDI)statistics revealed a total of 255,385 bankruptcy cases throughout the country. 13,872 of these cases are in Sarawak, Miri being with second most bankruptcies in Sarawak, and ranking 15th in the country.
