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Miri Plaza

Miri Plaza was originally a shopping mall at Pelita Commercial Center that is four stories tall, built in the early 1990s. Its anchor tenant was Metropolitan Department Store & Supermarket.

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Baram Ferry

The Baram Ferry used to operate at the Baram River, transporting vehicles and passengers across the river. The ferry was a vital link between Miri-Brunei border and for a long time it was the only way to get across.

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Miri Ferry

In the old days, a ferry allows commuters to cross the river from the town to the Miri peninsula conveniently. The ferry is also vital to the hospital emergency responses.

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Miri Long Jetty

The Miri Long Jetty was a mile long and stretches out into the sea. This jetty was built so that cargo is easily offloaded from ships to Miri at the tip of the Miri Peninsular. The Long Jetty was a considerable place of interest in the 1970 to late 1990s.

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Old Fish Market

The Old Fish Market, located in the old town center, is the oldest fish market in Miri.

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Map of Miri in 2005

2005 Maps, pre-online maps.
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Piasau Bridge

The old Piasau bridge was a Bailey bridge at Piasau linking from the peninsular to Piasau at the point closest to the sea. The bridge, originally made of steel and wood with a single lane to handle the occasional vehicle traffic crossing, has seen several upgrades over the years.

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Krokop is a large residential area that spans from Jalan Krokop Utama to Jalan Jee Foh and Jalan Krokop 1 Road to Jalan Krokop 10 Road.

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Old General Hospital

The old Miri General Hospital, which was located on the peninsular at the Miri river mouth had long been operated by oil company Shell, with financial assistant from the government.

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"The Oil Town" Shopping Complex

"The Oil Town" Shopping Complex is a retail and shopping mall located right next to Dynasty Hotel. It was the second fully air-conditioned shopping mall complex in Miri.

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Gloria Hotel & Golden Restaurant

Gloria Hotel and Golden Restaurant along Brooke Road is familiar to many Mirians

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Flags used in Sarawak since 1841

A look at the flags used in Sarawak since 1841.

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Lutong Town

Lutong is Miri's first major satellite township, and one that is the heart of the oil and gas operations.
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Park Hotel

Miri's First "high rise" building with hotel with ground floor retail area, and a parking system.

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Wisma Pelita Tunku

The first air conditioned shopping complex building in Miri, built up to more than 10 stories high, also a first.


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