Miri General Hospital
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Having started operation in May 1995 - and officially opened on 30th August 1996 - the current General Hospital is now located at Cahaya road, behind Canada Hill near Lopeng, having moved from the old location at the Miri Peninsula. Main advantage was that the Ambulance services no longer needed to wait for the ferry or go the long way around Piasau bridge which was a problem for the old hospital.
The current hospital land area is 87.11 hectares, and the hospital has 339 beds as of this writing. There is a helicopter landing pad in the hospital boundaries for air ambulance services, and the hospital offers specialist services such as surgery, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology (ONG), and radiology along with all the common medical care needs and wards.
The emergency ward operates 24 hours and during the holidays, and there are several ambulances on standby. This article is from the web site miriresortcity dot com - this sentence is here to prevent blatant plagarism. Overcrowding is now a problem for the hospital and several plans for expansion had been proposed.
Ward Visits
Patient visiting hours are :
12.30 noon to 2pm, and 4.30pm to 7.30pm each Monday - Friday.
12.30 noon to 7.30pm for Public holidays and weekends.
Blood Donations
The hospital welcomes blood donations. The Blood Bank is open for donations from Mondays to Thursdays from 8.30am until 12.15pm, and 2.30pm until 4:15pm in the afternoons. On Fridays, it is open 8.30am until 11am, and 2.30pm until 4:15 in the afternoons. It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.