Sinking of the Naga 7 Off The Miri Coast (May 2021)
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A jack-up rig known as Naga 7 operating at the Salam-3 field off the coast of Miri, Sarawak collapsed and sunk on morning of May 4th 2021 around 7.45am. The jack-up drilling rig was conducting tests when one of the legs broke through the seafloor into a soft patch of soft soil material. As a result of this destabilisation the whole rig began to tilt into the water. All 101 crew members evacuated onto life boats and were later picked up by rescue ships that were alerted to help. Built in 2015, the rig vessel measures 62 by 60 meters in size and is designed to work up to over a hundred meters in depth below the hill and could drill up to well past 9,000 meters. It had accommodations up to 124 personnel. Photo credits: Ng Lin Zhi Facebook