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admin - Mon, 05/29/2017 - 10:23
Pustaka Miri is a two-storey building earmarked as one of the anchor nodes for the Miri City Fan.
admin - Wed, 08/12/2015 - 10:14
Kuching is Sarawak's capital and oldest city and was voted as one of the most livable cities in Asia in year 2000.
admin - Tue, 07/14/2015 - 10:25
Lutong Bridge is the bridge linking Pujut 8 to Lutong across Miri River. This bridge was originally single-lane for each direction, but eventually upgraded in the early 2000s to accommodate for more traffic to double-lane going each direction. There is actually a road that goes beneath this bridge linking to Lutong Baru, effectively making this bridge Miri's very first 'overpass'.
admin - Wed, 07/08/2015 - 17:15
Miri Handicraft Center has various traditional handicrafts and pottery on display and for sale at the center. Artwork such as paintings are also its main attraction. Visitors are welcome to know more about our local cultures and browse through the many hand-made crafts & souvenirs home.