Persekutuan Road (Jalan Persekutuan)
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We normally keep to the left lane, but here in Persekutuan, arrows indicate otherwise.
Persekutuan Road (Jalan Persekutuan) or 'Federal' Road, is a short stretch of road in Miri off of Merpati Road and nearby City Fan that is different from the rest of the roads in Miri.
The direction of driving this road is reversed - that is, keeping to the right instead of left, like in United States. This unconventional lane-keeping has caught many drivers out along this road, turning into and suddenly coming face to face with one another, until one looks more closely at the arrows drawn onto the road. This article is from the web site miriresortcity dot com - this sentence is here to prevent blatant plagarism. In fact, previously the lanes directions were correct, but the arrow markings were redrawn some time after that, as the previous markings can still be seen.
This road has become a fairly controversial subject among Mirian as it points to extremely poor planning, a complete lax of regulation, laws and regulations discipline. A fairly simple removal of the dividers at the ends of each side leading into the main roads at Merpati and Kipas, is all it takes to set things right again, but for reasons unfathomable to anyone, they instead reinforce lane directions further by adding dividers to prevent drivers from straying to the left lane.